Senin, 31 Mei 2010

bb disita!!!!:(

Haiiii semuanyaaaa.perhatian!perhatian! Bb gue disita aaaa:'( itu berarti separuh jiwa gue jg disita togaseh(?)Ahuaua sumpahya gue kgn bgt sm itu hp aaaaaa.&youmstknw skrg gue make hp soner melekecembre iyudeh ah apacb pilllllz-_-wxwz lanjottttt kalau begitu pengumuman buat semuanya!!! Bbm&cnectd sementara off/gaaktif doloooo!!! Tp kl msn,fb&twitter msh aktif tp pst bakalan jrg online ahaha.......well!! If u want to talk to me just contact me on:085710227596.okaay just that for this time.well......gbye everybody!keep reading&have a nice day!!!bye!!!!XbigO by me!!!


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